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Text File | 1994-05-31 | 7.4 KB | 202 lines | [TEXT/EMAC] |
- Changes in 1.14b1
- =================
- It is now possible to redefine the keys on the numeric keypad, the
- keys F1-F15, the cursor keys, and the keys labeled help, home, page
- up, del, end, and page down. See the file lisp/term/Macintosh-win.el,
- and the sample .emacs file.
- Both Emacs and the "Emacs Keyboard" INIT are now fat binaries for
- Power Macintoshes. The utilities are still 68000 based only.
- The color editor now works correctly on direct devices. The frame and
- background colors are set immediately when the dialog is dismissed
- with OK.
- The Emacs window position from the preferences file is used even when
- the window was previouly on a second monitor, as long as that monitor
- is still operating.
- Various timing parameters have been adjusted to make Emacs more
- responsive in the foreground, and more friendly in the background.
- Character 177 octal, produced with C-q DEL, is now properly displayed
- as ^? with ctl-arrow t, \0177 with ctl-arrow nil.
- Printing has been rewritten, this time as a second application. An
- item "Page Setup" appears in the File menu. That setup is used for
- all printing. The "Print File From Disk" item now produces output
- with page headers. Tabs when printed on a LaserWriter now leave the
- correct amount of white space.
- The Apple event support for Symantec C++ includes support for Think
- Reference. Include the statement
- (load "think-c/think-ref")
- in your •emacs file to load support for Think Reference alone.
- The sources are available.
- Changes in 1.13b2:
- ==================
- The name for .emacs is now •emacs. The drivers of Emacs now
- automatically convert an initial '.' of any pathname component to '•'.
- The •emacs file is now kept in the directory ~/, and no longer in
- ~emacs/. Does this create any problems?
- It is now possible to set a specific color for the text appearing
- under the cursor.
- Emacs will run without its system extension installed. In this case,
- modifier key remapping is ignored.
- C-_ again does undo. More generally, the key combination
- control-shift has been added to those recognized. The combinations
- control-option and control-shift-option, required by some non-American
- keyboards, are also recognized.
- When printing in landscape mode, lines now extend the full width of
- the paper. The program lpr recognizes the -p option, and prints
- headings with it, no headings without it. This means lpr-buffer and
- print-buffer now do different things.
- A bug involving menus that crashed many machines at the startup of
- Emacs has been fixed.
- Changes in 1.13b1:
- ==================
- The startup file .emacs now goes by the name •emacs in order to avoid
- the problems other Macintosh programs have with filenames that begin
- with a period. This is not a backward-compatible change--you must
- rename .emacs to •emacs to use it now. The character • is typed
- option-8. If you use option as meta, you must type option-command-8.
- The utility “wakeup” is now included, and the function display-time works.
- Emacs now runs on machines with the 68000 processor. Emacs still
- requires System 7.
- The quit character C-g is now consistently caught properly when Emacs
- prompts for (y or n), or for (yes or no).
- When the option key functions as a meta key, the behavior of M-e, M-i, M-u,
- and other previous dead-key combinations is now correct.
- The meanings of the control, option, shift, command, and caps-lock keys are
- now configurable from the “Change modifier keys” menu item in the Special menu.
- See the file About Emacs for more information.
- Printing is faster, and less prone to crashing.
- Dragging or growing the editor window now works correctly on systems
- with more than one monitor. Very large or tall windows may require
- you to give Emacs more stack space.
- The keystrokes C-m and C-j are no longer reversed.
- A bug in the shell involving expansion of '*' alone has been fixed.
- The use of automatically repeating keystrokes is smoother when many
- extensions are present.
- The Unix emulation now considers a file to have write-permission only
- when that file is not locked. Folders and volumes always have
- write-permission.
- A menu “Buffers” has been added. Work buffers are listed first,
- followed by buffers created by dired, followed by all other buffers.
- The window size and position is now stored in a preferences file
- instead of in the resource fork of Emacs itself. The choice of font
- and font size is now stored in the preferences file.
- A bug in the handler for the quit-application event has been fixed.
- In dired mode, 'G', which runs chgrp, now changes the type of a file.
- 'M', which runs chown, now changes the mode bits of a file. Only the
- write permissions are affected. The file is effectively locked or
- unlocked. 'O' still changes the creator of a file.
- On four or more bit-per-pixel displays, Emacs now works in color.
- There is a dialog box to change the colors Emacs uses, available from
- the Special menu. The color choices are stored in the preferences
- file.
- A bug that caused an incorrect display of lines that were previously
- highlighted has been fixed.
- The function suspend-emacs, usually called with C-z, now brings the
- Finder to the front. Emacs is not actually suspended in the sense
- it would be in Unix, since all Macintosh processes are always running.
- Now C-@ as well as C-space sets mark.
- A partial implementation of the Apple event suite for Symantec C++
- version 6.0 is included.
- Much more Toolbox support has been added. Use it at your own risk.
- See the directory ~emacs/lisp/mac.
- Changes in 1.12d:
- =================
- A bug in the Paste command (command-V) has been fixed.
- The dired code of Emacs 19 has replaced that of Emacs 18. There is
- now information about dired available from M-x info.
- A bug that prevented complete loading of textures.el from .emacs has
- been fixed.
- The functions user-full-name, user-login-name, user-real-login-name,
- and system-name now take their values from the strings entered into
- the “Sharing Setup” control panel.
- The function make-symbolic-link is now implemented correctly. It
- creates an alias.
- Changes in 1.11d:
- =================
- A bug in the threads package that broke lpr and printing functions
- within Emacs has been fixed.
- A bug that caused Emacs to give errors when parsing pathnames prefixed
- with ~dirname/.. has been fixed.
- A bug that caused Emacs to hang sometimes when brought from the back
- to be the front application has been fixed.
- A first attempt has been made to enable Emacs to read files that use
- '\n' instead of '\r' to end lines. See "About Emacs".
- Emacs now works correctly with non-American keyboards.
- Slashes in Macintosh filenames now appear as colons within Emacs.
- Using a colon in a filename within Emacs gives you that filename with
- slashes within the Finder.
- The handling of ~ in directory names has been changed. The meaning of
- directory ~/ is now configurable. See "About Emacs" for more.
- The Toolbox is more accessible, though its direct use is not
- recommended. See ~emacs/lisp/mac/traps.el.
- The function of the option key can be changed. See "About Emacs".
- When a file X is edited and saved, file X is renamed X~, and a new
- file X is created. Now, the creator, type, and resource fork of the
- original X are preserved in the new X.
- The behavior of Emacs when saving files referenced by aliases is
- saner.
- The menu items New, Save, Save As, and Close now conform more closely
- to regular Macintosh behavior.
- Emacs is now stationery-aware.
- AEInstallEventHandler has been implemented. See the file
- ~emacs/lisp/mac/core-suite.el for an example.